Kouryuu no Mimi: Mina no Shou
4.94 / 10PLOT
The main character, Natsume Kiroemon, was the 45th leader of the Natsume family and inherited the "Kiryuu no Mimi," a device that provided quick access to both money and ladies. After his father passed away, he left the Italian monastery where he had been receiving training and legally assumed the name "Natsume Kiroemon" as well as the Kiryuu no Mimi's power. He fatally fell in love with Kanako, a member of the rival Mina family, after returning to Japan. However, the Mina family's malign influence repeatedly targeted Natsume and kidnapped Kanako. Natsume is now attacking the Mina family after breaking the seal, which caused the Kiryuu's power to spike.